
Harnessing the power of collaboration with various stakeholders to achieve sustainable development in the communities where we operate

Stakeholder Relations

Harnessing the power of collaboration

With the right partnership, we hope to embrace key social issues affecting the people by – empowering the people through regular offers of supports, grants and scholarships

We harness the power of collaboration with various stakeholders to achieve sustainable development in the communities where we operate. We partner with government, organizations, NGOs and such like, especially those who share in our vision and commitment towards the communities. Pan Ocean participates in various knowledge sharing projects, exhibitions and conferences within the oil and gas industry both home and abroad.

With the right partnership, we hope to embrace key social issues affecting the people by – empowering the people through regular offers of supports, grants and scholarships, to demonstrate how business can improve the opportunities for people in the areas of basic skills acquisition, enterprise and employability, thereby stimulating the communities to take responsibility for their own development in the nearest future.